Check back soon
Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.
Here you’ll find a collection of the projects I’ve CREATED throughout my career. Since first starting my work as a DEVELOPING 2d and 3D ARTIST back in 2012, I’ve had the opportunity to craft and develop my ideas, express myself in my own style, as well as collaborate with many talented artists. Check out my portfolio below and get in touch with me to learn more.
500 Terry Francois Street, 6th Floor. San Francisco, CA 94158
The desktop version of the website is still in a rough state and will work on it next
Bit late on the video but is up 😀
Now I just need to clean the site up and start adding content :)
Possibly start a horribly spelled blog .. is the idea that counts 🤔 right?
Changing page info next
I'm back to restructuring this 10year endless rabithole of a project
Ok got it all fixed and set up ima get back on it but most things should work
Buttons are back to not going the right place but I'm working on it wile making a video and feeding rats fun stuff
Crazy part is I'm behind time on my next video :( gets to come up with an idea
Working of font and text size alot of it is too big .. more fixes
All buttons should work now . :)
The groups or communities will function as the topic to build a blueprint for each project and their final personalized page . Covering in depth details of each category ...
We now have a skills and assets tab to make it esyer to navigate on selected topic
All groups / communities are been updated. And the buttons at top of page been redirected to the right communities and actions